Getting the Most out of your CBD

Getting the Most out of your CBD

By now, you’ve heard all the buzz, you’ve done some casual window shopping and, finally, you’ve ordered your first CBD product. Alas, instant relief of all stress, muscle pain, anxiety, inflammation and so much more. I can assume that if you’re reading this, that might not be the case. While for some people it really is that simple, there are also many cases in which people fail to receive the results they so desire right off the bat. Don't be discouraged! You just need to find the right products and the right amount for you - which is exactly what this blog is for. 

How can you ensure that you are getting the most out of CBD? There are countless factors that come into play when taking CBD. Things like your chemical makeup, environmental factors, type of CBD product used and so many other things can affect the way CBD makes you feel. If you feel like CBD is not working for you, here are a few common reasons why that could be happening.

Quality is Key

First things first, make sure your CBD meets certain quality standards. It’s not uncommon for there to be less CBD in a product than what is listed on the label. To ensure you’re ingesting the amount listed on the label, look for the Certificate of Analysis (COA) on the company’s website. The COA is a third-party test which confirms that the amount of CBD within a product matches up with the label. 

If you can’t find the COA, you can always call customer service; although, It’s worth noting that if the COA is that hard to find, your odds of purchasing quality CBD are slim. The COA also ensures that you’re not getting any unwanted ingredients in your product, so it really is the gold standard for CBD. Only buying CBD products with a COA will set you up for a more pleasant experience right from the start.

Are your Products Clashing?

Now, take a look at your vanity, bedside table or medicine cabinet. Is there anything that stands out? Do some research and see if it could be interfering with the way CBD is broken down and absorbed in your body. Try spacing products apart to allow time for CBD to work its magic on its own. If it comes to it, you can always ask a doctor as well. They may be able to offer insight into products that might hinder CBD’s potential. 

Wrong Form

CBD is created in many different forms. Each form has its own benefit and specific specialty. For example, if you are looking for targeted muscle relief, a CBD topical cream is often recommended. Your best results will be achieved through this form because it allows for localized treatment absorbed directly through the skin. You can easily pinpoint the pain with a topical. 

Let’s say that you decide to use a CBD tincture in hopes of relieving a specific part of a muscle. You may feel some sense of relief, but not nearly as much as the topical would provide. It is important that your goals align with the form of your product. This will make sure you’re getting the most impressive results from all of your CBD products. 

Serving Amount is Personal

Along with getting the type of CBD right, you must also ensure that you are taking the right amount for you. CBD is very personal and breaks down differently in everyone. We always recommend starting with a lower dose and working your way up to a higher one. Be sure to pay attention and properly assess your reaction to each different dose. 

If you aren’t experiencing the desired effect, continue upping your dose until you do. It is very difficult to overdose on CBD, but side effects will be apparent. Some common side effects are extreme drowsiness, nausea, disorientation, lethargy, etc. we highly recommend starting out your CBD experience by journaling each day to keep track of how each dose makes you feel.

Setting the Bar too High

You might also want to consider exactly what your expectations are before jumping to conclusions about anything . I know I’ve said that plant medicine is likened to magic, but it is nearly impossible for it to cure all your ailments with the snap of a finger. As I’ve said, there are so many things that factor into how CBD products work for each person. Finding the products, dosage and routine for you is what’s going to give you the best results. 

Along with that, CBD’s effects sometimes take longer to build up in people's bodies. It may take a week or even a little longer to experience all the benefits of the product you’re taking. So be patient. Some trial and error may be needed, but the benefits of CBD are well worth the wait. As always, we only want you to learn and love CBD the way that we do. We trust that you will as long as you come along on this journey with us.

Personalized Product Recommendations

Finally, if you are not sure what type of product to use or want to start small and are looking for personalized recommendations. Take our short, 4 question CBD Quiz to find out which products are the best fit for you!

Ashlee at Better Conditions

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